Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pre-Writing Notes by Guy Quenneville

How exciting! The first book I am going to explore and take notes on is Timothy Findley's "The Wars". This first post is basically notes on pre-notes of "The Wars", get it? So let's begin.

"Robert learns from this run, that a hunter kills when it has to survive, but is generous when it is not a hunter." (Acadia)

Basically saying, when an individual is put in a situation where they must fend for themselves, they will do anything in order to survive. One they are out of this situation, they can function like any other individual because they are not faced with any sense of danger.

This quote ties into "The Wars" because, as Guy stated, "Wars" is plural thus, stating that it talks not only about The Great War but also about the "internal battles" that the protagonist, Robert Ross, is struggling with. He deals with adapting to a new lifestyle in the army as well, being away from his sister he loved.

So far, these pre-notes are making me somewhat excited to read about Robert's life, however, reading through 218 pages...not so much!